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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hey Everyone!

I'm back!

Sorry about not posting in quite awhile. The terrain and the pain of hiking everyday, all day had gotten to me and blogging went on the back burner. I have summited Katahdin on August 22nd and am back home in Florida resting my feet and legs. The northern section of the trail was absolutely breathtaking but also extremely strenuous! I am currently working on one big post to catch everything up to Katahdin; and while I do here is a very well written article from my hiking partner to give you a glean into everyday life on the trail: Tric's (Electric Lizard) 'Day in the life' Article.

If you want to hear about my trip in person or have any gear questions and live locally in Tampa, FL Go2Outfitters will be hosting a "Welcome Back/Q&A event" at their store location in Lutz, FL on Saturday, September 5th. We will be taste testing trail foods, and I will have a slide show of pictures from my trip. Come check it out!

Safe Adventuring!
-Jordan "Fozzie"

Monday, August 3, 2015

Day 103: Fourth of July!

Stealth Campsite at Mile 1406.2  to Clarence Fahnestok SP-17.6 miles

I woke up and knocked out the first ten miles or so. I then came to a road crossing with a wonderful little convenience store and deli. I got chicken with mushrooms and cheese on a bed of rice! Wonderful! We sat and ate with the other thru hikers and discovered we were in a new bubble like we had expected. Ahh well. I made some new friends and had a great lunch. When we reached the SP we found an enormous beach with several large families bustling to put away their picnicking supplies. I asked the employees to the park where camping was and they said .4 away across the street. These campgrounds were wonderful. There was a shower, toilets, and running water. The backpacker sites were just converted car camping sites. In the end 5 of us shared a site and had a crackling fire with the sound of fireworks going off in the distance.

Yes, your looking at the trail.

Clarence Fahnestock State Park.

Day 102: Trailside Zoo

Jersey girl to Stealth Site at Mile 1406.2: 

Today was a short day. We didn't get to hit the trail until about 5pm. When we did we walked amongst throngs of families out by the lake for July 4th weekend. We made our way to the trailside zoo and museum. The trail runs straight through it and the zoo features local species of animals. The lowest point on the AT is at the bear cage in the park. Unfortunately, the zoo was closed for the day so we took the blue blazed alternate path around it. We hiked up the first few mountains and found a nice campsite.


Bear Mountain Bridge.