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Monday, July 6, 2015

Hello everyone

Hello everyone, this is Jordan's dad. I just wanted to post an update for those interested. Due to a variety of reasons, weather, loss of signal, dead battery, fatigue, the tediousness of writing and posting these blogs from a small IPhone 4S in the dark from your tent etc, Jordan has fallen behind on his blog posts. His progress on his blog and his progress in "real life" are way off. He has still been writing daily blogs and saving them, posting a few when he gets a chance. At one point he had decided he was going to write one big, long post to catch up but then thought better of it. He said he changed his mind because he wants to have a daily log for himself to read and remember the adventure by in the future.
So, if you follow his blog (which you obviously do or you wouldn't be reading this) keep checking back, he is making good progress. He and "Tric" are still hiking together and had a day in NJ with their former hiking buddy "Jersey Girl" (who by the way is NOT a girl! lol) then spent a day in Manhattan's upper west side with his cousins Casey & Madi, who live there, and their parents Aunt Martha and Uncle Tom who were up from Tampa visiting. He is back on the trail and nearing the NY/Connecticut border. He said he and Tric would be visiting her parents near Boston by this Thursday. That means barring any unforeseen circumstances he will be entering Vermont within a week or so of that, leaving him roughly 600 miles left. Even thought one of the toughest parts of the trail, the White Mountains in New Hampshire lay ahead, I would still say he's in the stretch run!
Thanks to all who read this and share in our beloved "Fozzy's" adventure!
Clint "Old Fozzy"

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