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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Day 50: Settlers Museum!

11.7 miles: Campsite at 534.3 to Davis path campsite. 

Today I woke with a snail crawling inches from my face on the mosquito netting of my tent. We got camp packed up and hiked on with some music going. While getting water at our first source we ran into 2 of the warrior hikers Krieger and Rorschach. For the next few hours Krieger gave us an amazing lecture on everything from the Cold War to GPS. It just so happened that most of the lecture transpired in an old schoolhouse that is part of a settlers museum in VA. Inside of the school was some really awesome trail magic donated by one of the local churches. We had sodas, fruit, snacks, even new toiletries! After the museum we hiked on to Atkins, VA where we ate a real meal in 'El Burrito Loco'. For a Mexican food restaraunt attached to a gas station it was actually really good! We then hiked on for another four miles or so through some beautiful fields and forests and made camp at a nice little campsite with a privy nearby. 

The rhododendron's are finally blooming! Eventually the trail is covered with these blooms. 


  1. The guy who is wearing the tennis shoes (?) is in a lot of your pics. Just wondering how his feet are holding up? Or are they hiking type shoes?

    1. Jersey girl! Yes good observation he hikes in basic Asics like you would find at most stores. He figured they felt so nice already why not hike in them? And his feet have been pretty good so far! His feet seem to hurt around 15 miles in but then again all of ours do, right?
