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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day 56: Trail Days!

8.8 miles: Docs Knob Shelter to Pearisburg, VA

Note** to catch up my blog I will be posting some short entries. Sorry for getting behind! :)

Short day. Tough hills. We stopped in Pearisburg in preparation of trail days. A famous hiking festival for the AT that occurs every year in Damascus,VA. We got a ride with a hiker that rented a car (thanks parks!) and enjoyed a lovely few days checking out gear, dancing around a fire, and just sleeping. It was wonderful time and nice break from the monotony of hiking. It will be nice to get back though.

Thanks Arden for the care package!! It was fantastic! 


Just a small portion of Tent City.

Tric learning how to use her new stove. 

The beginning of the hiker parade. 

Getting sprayed during the parade. The tradition is that all of us hikers stink so they spray us down as we parade by. The kids obviously love it. 

1 comment:

  1. I was feeling bad that AT hikers had to walk in the parade but how fun that kids along the parade route got to squirt them as they went by. Sounds like a fun festival.
