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Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 22: Rain, rain, and why not another night hike?

12.6 miles: Icewater Springs Shelter to Tri-Corner Knob Shelter

-sorry no pictures during these posts as I lost my solar charger. I will post some later off of a friends camera, hopefully.

Today we had a slow start. We slept in because we really needed it. About a mile into our hike we came to Charlies Bunion. It is a rock outcropping that sticks off of one of the mountains. When we were there it was nothing but a wall of white fog. Very eerie but extremely beautiful. There wasn't much to report today, it was a very slow 12.6 mile trudge through fog and rain. There were no views and me and Tric saw almost no one all day. We arrived in camp a good hour after dark and set up our tents on an extremely slanted piece of ground, the only one we could find. We were soaked to the bone as was all of our gear. Today was going on day 9 or 10 that we had both last stayed in a room with a bed or had a shower. I was very proud of myself, most thru hikers don't go this long without town. Its a good feeling to know that you can survive off of what's in your back pack for as long as you need too. 


  1. Fozzie - looks like my friend Buffy is a little ahead of you now. She started out of Davenport Gap, Sun 4/12 am. No worries though, she's meeting us in Erwin on 4/24. We'll be hiking with her for three days, and we'll certainly slow her down :) Safe hiking!

    1. I saw her for a brief moment today but I didn't get to say hi. I'm hoping to see her tomorrow.
