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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 38: Hump Mountain and Mountain Harbour B&B

9.2 miles: Overmountain Shelter to Mountain Harbour B&B at road crossing US 19E in Roan Mtn, TN.

Today was a gorgeous hike. We left Overmountain shelter at about 9am. After hiking for a few miles we reach little hump mountain, the 3rd bald on the AT in the Roan Highlands. After coming down from little hump mountain the AT dissapears into the woods for a little bit. It then emerges into another bald, this one much bigger. We ascend Big Hump Mtn. At this point in the day its about 12 o' clock and there is still some ice on the ground from the night before. We trudge through the ice, mud, and water willingly trying to make it to the summit. When you reach the summit there are amazing far-reaching views in all directions. On the summit I heard someone saying how they much they miss marshmallows. Well it just so happened I had been carrying some for the past three days. I pulled them out and said "want a marshmallow?" she almost fell over with happiness. I handed some out to everyone then pulled 2 out for Tric and me. We roasted them on our Jetboil. Probably very unhealthy... But delicious!

After descending Hump Mountain the trail goes through about a mile of extremely rocky terrain. Once through that the trail leaves North Carolina for good! Now we are in Tennessee, then Virginia after that! Once we reached the road we found a ride down to Mountain Harbour B&B. We had to end up tenting in their yard since the bunks were all reserved. This still included use of the common room and showers so it was all good. We went out for pizza with Neon and Wolfpack and during dinner I got some very bad news. Someone had stolen my debit card info and had stolen $100 out of my account! I immediately called my bank and had the card cancelled. When I got back to the table Neon and Wolfpack had left but Neon had paid our tabs at the pizza place! This was great news since I had a limited amount of cash and I still had to resupply for the next few days. We got back to the hostel and I thanked Neon very much and told her what happened. She is a wonderful woman.

Will and Way, a couple from Virginia who are thru hiking for their 50th wedding anniversary had gotten some wine in their mail drop and gave it to me and Tric. (side note: if Will and Way complete their thru hike they will be the oldest couple to have ever done so. They are in their 70's. Check them out at Denbec50th.com) We drank some wine and sat around the fire before going to bed for the night.

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