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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 36: Greasy Creek Friendly

10.5 miles: Top of Unaka Mtn to Greasy Creek Hostel

My day started at about 5 am. I actually hit the trail at about 6. Hiking with the sunrise was beautiful. The sun cast an eerie red glare over everything around me. I felt great and by 9:50 I had already completed 10 miles and had arrived at greasy creek gap. I knew my friends had stayed at the hostel down a .6 side trail to my right. Since my phone had died, however; I had no idea whether or not they had hit the trail yet. So I decided to make a decision over second breakfast. While eating Yukon Cornelius and Jersey Girl hiked up the greasy creek side trail. They said that Tric, Fireball, and Frosty decided to zero at the hostel. I had the choice of going on with Yukon and Jersey Girl or staying at the hostel with the rest of the crew. Since going with Yukon and Jersey Girl would mean another 20 mile day I decided to head down to the hostel for a night.

The Greasy Creek Friendly is an interesting place. It's cozy, inviting, and just plain crazy. The owner Connie is a very sweet woman. Right when I got there she was about to drive a bunch of hikers to a local cheap buffet. Then the power went out. Driving throughout the town we discovered that the power in the whole town was out. No street lights, no electricity in any stores, but most importantly no buffet. We drove to another one where they were just serving people until their food ran out. We ate heartily for just 5 dollars. Plus one for sweet tea. We proceeded to drive around for hours trying to find a place to get a resupply and cash back. When I finally got back we had a fire and I relaxed for a bit before going to bed.

Sorry no pictures this day, dead phone!

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