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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Day 31: Sick.

6.4 miles: Jerry Cabin Shelter to Flint Mountain Shelter

Today was my hardest and lowest day on the trail. It turns out last night when I felt sick, I was actually sick. Some sort of stomach bug most likely. I could only eat about half a meal this morning, that was it, all day. Comparatively on a normal day with hiker hunger I have 2 meals for breakfast, 2 for lunch, and 2 or 3 for dinner, and I snack all day! This isn't a good sign. I also have really bad diarrhea (TMI, I know!). Just the smell of food makes me nauseous. I could've gotten this from several things but it's hard to be sure. It could've been a bad water source and my filter didn't work properly, or bad hygiene, or just from another hiker..

So I stayed in the shelter until one in the afternoon and watched it rain literally non stop all day. After thinking that maybe the rain is slowing (it wasn't) I headed out to at least get to the next shelter. During my packing up process my backpack tore:

Then after a few miles of hard uphill I came to a section of trail that was definitely new. The maintainers must have just rerouted this section. This means a lot of fresh dirt and mud! And combined with a few days of relentless rain it creates the perfect definition of a slog. On top of that I just switched to my trail runners (see post: Hot Springs, NC) which apparently become very slippery when there is a lot of mud. I must have fallen in the mud at least six times.

When I finally got near the shelter the only thing keeping me going was thinking of a nice dry place in the shelter. I was convinced I'd get one since I was stopping so early and everyone else was moving on either 3 miles to the hostel or 6 to the next shelter. When I arrived everyone in the shelter from the night before had zeroed in the shelter all day to avoid the rain and were staying again that night. After that I just sat at the bench by the shelter and stared at the ground for probably an hour. I worked up some energy and set up my wet tent. I wiped down the floor with my pack towel, blew up my sleeping pad, and laid out my sleeping bag. I finished all this right when my body started going very cold so I hopped in my sleeping bag and fell right asleep. It was a very hard day, but I managed to find the hardest thing on the trail to find: a flat spot. A flat spot to sleep on greatly improves how well you sleep on the trail and I sure needed it. It's not all gear but also a little know-how sometimes.

When I woke again I turned my phone on. My dad, mom, brother, and his girlfriend were coming up to vacation for my dad's 50th birthday. So I had to let them know how my progress towards Erwin, TN was going. When I turned my phone on I got a message from Tric saying her and Jersey Girl were going to try and catch me tomorrow! This lifted my spirits greatly! I went to sleep happy to know I'd see me friends again soon. 



  1. Glad to hear your ok but wet, cold, and tired also. Understand about the water. On long hikes I try and drink a liter before I even get out of the tent of a morning. Wonder if you got some bad sausage? Having a gut feeling about a situation can keep you out of trouble along the trail.

    1. Bad sausage? Hmm.. Is that something that happens often? I don't eat sausage really besides on this hike. But it makes sense. I did have it for lunch the day before.

    2. Just a thought about the sausage but it could have been a lot of things. Hope you get your pack fixed cause that's a bad thing to have happen. Hope your feeling better.
      Look forward to your entries.
